The idea of IAM – Integral Art Method, was born in Florence, Italy in 2013. From Europe it grew around the world, from India to North America, following the footsteps of it’s founder Violante Binazzi.
The project unfolded from the desire to give back to the “art world” the recognition of art as an evolutionary tool for humanity. The focus became the goal to bring this concept inside of the museums, schools, theatres, and public spaces etc.
IAM research is about the relationship between I (the self) and the other (people, spaces, community, diversity etc.) . It is a micro-macro exploration of the creative potential, strengthening empathy and decreasing the distance of diversity.
How can we relate with this practice? How can we relate with a piece of art or an artist in a way that we can find inside of it something that we can resonate with? How can we relate with others?
What can Art and Creativity add to our daily life?
IAM is an affirmation of the individual as a whole, it is the first step to assume a personal responsibility in the global vision.