Experience I.A.M.

Upcoming Performances:

Violante will be performing as apart of The Strangers 2.0, and immersive theater experience from the award winning production company DLT (Dopolavoro Teatrale)

Dates: September 18-29th, 2019

Locations: TBA (The location of the performance is only revealed to you 24 hours in advance of the performance)

Get your tickets by clicking here or on the image below.

Upcoming Classes:

Starting in September, IAM classes will be available in person in Toronto, Canada. For more information please contact us.

Past Workshops & Events:

AUG 2-5th, 2018

Celebrating Auroville & Matagiri’s 50th Anniversary: ART as a Bridge @ AUM Integral Yoga Conference

Ashokan Center near Matagiri & Woodstock, NY

Integral Art Projects for Adults and Kids

Ricordi ed Emozioni al Museo“, art as therapy for Alzheimer’s patients, Museo di Scienze Planetarie, Textile Museum, Casa di Narnali, Prato

Giovanni Colacicchi. Figure di ritmo e luce nella Firenze del ‘900“, Fondazione Villa Bardini, Florence

“Winter Camp. Uno zoo al museo”, Textile Museum,  Prato

Volti dell’ermetismo. Venturino a Villa Bardini all’Archivio Bonsanti“, Fondazione Villa Bardini, Florence

Casa Martelli per Unicef “, Polo Museale Fiorentino, Florence

“The beauty in the art’s history. Four meetings exploring the connections among art, body and creativity”, Comune di Campi Bisenzio, Florence

“The Civil Society Facility – EU – Turkey Intercultural Dialogue. Museums (ICD-MUSE)”,  EU Project, Italy-Greece-Turkey

“Moments in time”, an exhibition of Paddy Campbell, Palazzo d’Arnolfo, San Giovanni Valdarno, Arezzo

“Another World”, Palazzo Comunale di Fiesole, Florence

Vintage“, Textile Museum, Prato

Le donne di Laura Aprile“, Galleria del Palazzo, Enrico Coveri, Florence

“Art workshop for kids” Street Festival of Certaldo, Associazione Polis. Certaldo


Please explore the websites below of the various collaborations that we have worked and collaborated with throughout the years.

Fondazione Parchi Monumentali Bardini e Peyron, Florence, Italy

Museo del Tessuto di Prato, PO, Italy

Lycée Victor Hugo de Florence, Florence

Museo de la Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid, Spain

Museo Casa Martelli, Florence, Italy

The Arshinagar Project, Theatre of the Human, Kolkata, India 

Welcome Library, London 

Hype Studio, Italy

Plum Village, France

Manju Pattahbi Jois, California 

Il Paracadute di Icaro

Radici Yoga, Italy

Liceo Artistico di Porta Romana, Florence

I.I.S.S. Peano, Florence

Museo di Scienze Planetarie Fondazione Prato ricerche, Prato

Subbody, Himachal Pradesh, India

Balya Yoga, Bari 

AIMA, Alzheimer e Demenza

Sri Aurobindo Society, Pondicherry, India

Trauma Yoga